Final scene work

Working on final scene

Damien has created a building to represent the YMCA with a road, paths and streets lights. This is the base for our final scene. I added some more detail to the scene before merging my character in. I created a litter bin, bench, street sign and two more buildings for the scene. To finish it off I added a spot light shining up onto the ‘Y’ sign.

Time to add my character into the final scene.

The first step was to merge my character into the scene, this was already skinned to a biped from my bedroom scene. I added some motion to the character/biped, I have rigged the character to wave. Once the other characters are merged into the scene the plan is that it will look like she is greeting them before they go into the YMCA building, that’s the plan anyway!!!!!!!!
Once I had added motion and some footsteps I move, rotated them to suite the scene and so that the character was walking into the building after she had finished waving.
The scene just needs Martin’s and Damien’s character adding to it and it is finished!!

Merging character into scene!!!

With the room finished I merged my character file into my room scene. I then positioned the character and adjusted the footsteps to suite the room. Lighting was then added and the camera and target given some motion to get my final results, after a little tweaking here’s what I ended up with;

I am happy with the results i have achieved here and i have learned many new techniques whilst producing the scene. In particular with bipeds, skinning and adding motion to a character, these were fairly tricky to get used to, but the results which can be achieved are worth the hours spent getting used to the tools!!

Creating the bed sheet;

I decided to put a bed sheet on the bed and to get a good result I used a cloth modifier on a box. When creating the box (sheet) I made sure it had plenty of segments, this will allow for a more realistic result. With the mattress set of the collision object and my recently created box as the cloth object, the modifier was then simulated. This gives a animation of the cloth falling on the bed, this is not what I wanted in my animation, all i need was a still object. So this didn’t happen I converted the object into a editable poly so it remained in a cloth like state through out, with no animation.

Filling the room

Now I had the beginnings of a room, I had to fill it up with objects which would be in the interest of a teenage girl!! I went down the route of girl band posters, CD’s, pop magazines, and generally having everything pink to try and project that my character is actually a female, beside the manly swagger!!
I tried to fill the room up so it doesn't look bare. This was hard as I need a fairly large room for my character, because when animated she takes up a fare amount of floor space!! Here’s what I produced anyway:

Time to start working on the characters bedroom!!!

Now the character is finished I had to start working on my room. I started off by creating walls (one with a window), ceiling, floor and curtains. This will be by base for the scene;

Creating poster for scene

I created the following poster in photoshop, I'm planning on focusing on it for the last few frames of the scene. I picked up some info from the YMCA website and was able to come up with this;

Finishing character model, adding motion and creating maps

* The following stages involved me adding geometry to my body, hands, feet and a head were modelled to complete my character

* Once this was rigged to a biped I added motion to my character.

Creating a Map

* The next stage was to create a map for my character, this was achieved by adding a UVW Unwrap. The vertex for the hands, top, legs and feet were separated so I could give the affect of different clothing. This was done is the same way as the face and ear were seperated when creating the maps for the face task. The map was then taken into photoshop and used as a base layer so my final bitmap could be created.

Creating and rigging body with motion

* By creating a cylinder, converting it into a editable poly and moving/scaling, adding geometry, along with symmetry and turbo smooth modifiers I was able to achieve this. I still need to add my, head, hands and feet before passing it onto Damien and Martin but you can get the idea!!

* After this I created a biped and added a skin modifier to rig the body to it!

* By adding a motion to the biped I was able to give the affect of my character shown in the AVI.