Rigging eyes and playing with hair modifiers!!!

I had intended to play around with morphing my face, however time was not on my side so I decided to just have a play around with hair/fur modifiers and rig my eyes!!!

* Firstly I created two spheres for my eyes

* The next stage was to create my pupils so they would move around. This was done by creating two more spheres, but this time adjusted the hemisphere to create just a pupil. The pupils were then linked to a point, so when the point moved so did the pupils.
* With the eyes rigged and a material added, I applied a fur modifier to the head and had a play around with this for several hours, good fun!!
* To finish off I created a fly for the eyes to follow and added a some sound for it, here's what i ended up with;


This was really good fun!!! The fur modifier is easy to use and you can get some really good results form it.

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